Friday, January 23, 2009

Cold and wet

Today's HSMSHS prompt is water, and if you haven't been over there yet, you don't want to miss the photos. Beautiful, lovely, peaceful water shots. I keep sneaking back to look again.

And what have I got for you? Well, since all of the water outdoors looks pretty much the same...

...and we've established that I'm pretty much a total winter wimp, I decided to try to find some water indoors (though I did look around for some interesting icicles while I was bringing in wood for the stove; I'd like points for that).

Indoor water....actually, with our wacky weather we've been having some plumbing problems the past week or two, so indoor water is a bit of a sore subject right now. This is a shame, because we all love water, and we go through a lot of it. Long hot showers, baths for the kids, load after load of laundry, clean floors and kitchen counters, dishes galore...Water, I lOVE YOU!

Most of all though, I love water to drink. It's the first thing any of us grabs when we're thirsty or hungry. And where do we find our water? Well, the fridge of course! No fancy designer or bottled waters for us, though! Nope! We have a reverse osmosis unit at our sink (yay!). The water tastes great, but both Hubby and I like our water COOOOOOOOOLD. We have these two plastic jugs that are always on the go. They've never had anything other than water in them, and one has usually just been filled and is chilling while we drink down the second one. We really love water in our house!

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(For a bonus, you get to see my milk, IN A BAG! Apparently the Americans don't have such a thing, and always act shocked when they see it. Of course now I'm wondering about my European friends. Milk--bags? plastic jugs? cartons? bottles?)
Thanks for looking at my water. I know it's not pretty, but it's pure, and it's refreshing.


  1. Ooo...lucky you having all that snow to photograph!!!
    and in europe, we have our milk in bottles and cartons, no bags here either :)


  2. Love your snow photo and your water shot, I have never heard of milk in a bag :)

  3. I like both your shots, but the snow one is my favorite.

    Milk in a bag... when I was little we used to get milk from our friends farm. Strait from a cow, into a bag, the bag set into a pitcher in the fridge... just like your photo. Love it, thanks for the memory jogger :D

  4. can't beat cold water to drink :) as for milk .... in a bag........ mmmmmm nope new one on me mine in plastic bottles,

  5. Great snow photo. Never heard of a reverse osmosis unit - is it a filter of some kind?? Here in the UK we have glass or plastic bottles on the doorstep from the milkman or fromthe supermarket!
