Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Doesn't the title say Superfluous?

How did a week get away from me like that? I really have no idea why I've been missing the HSMSHS prompts. I haven't even always missed taking the photos, just posting to the blog.

Let's blame it on JanuFeb, shall we? I blame everything on JanuFeb. (We don't get along.)

Anyway, here's a random sampling of some of last week's prompts that never made it to post on time:

And, as it turns out, we have a LOT of carvings in our house. I didn't realize how much I like them until that prompt. I'm still finding "carve" to photograph. In fact, I just now thought of another one. So I can't resist sharing a second carve:

And now that that's clear, I'll be off on a little photo safari to catch up on this week. See you in a bit!

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