Friday, April 3, 2009


Actually, on Wednesday my friend and photography mentor emailed me to let me know that she and her family had accepted a fantastic job offer and are moving home to California. In two weeks. So yesterday's HSMSHS prompt was curl, and let me tell you, curl I did. Right into a little ball of self pity. I'm slowly coming out of it again, being happy for her and her awesome family. So today I'm ready for a different sort of curl.

This "curl" is carved into our piano. You can see how old and loved our piano is. Yes, it needs refinishing. Right now the money is being used for lessons though. Someone should know how to play it if we're to truly appreciate it! But I love the detail and care that went into building these old monsters.

Today's prompt is "fluffy", which I keep thinking is fuzzy. Maybe because my brain is? Anyway, here's my fluffy:

And my Princess wanted to play too. I gave her lesson on how to hold my camera (with the 70-300 on it! Good girl!) and think she actually got the better photo:

Great composition girlie! I didn't even mention rule of thirds to her, but look at that! All I did was sharpen it for her in post production. No cropping!
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  1. Curl: Beautiful shot of the great details on your piano!
    Fluffy: I like your shot. It looks like teddy is tucked in for the night.
    Daughter's Fluffy: Great shot. Wonderful angle!

  2. Love the old piano in the curl shot.
    Both teddy shots are fab, looks like you have a budding photographer on your hands

  3. Hugs about the friend.

    All the pictures are awesome!
