Thursday, December 18, 2008


I missed yesterday's prompt altogether so didn't want to miss today's; even though life is no less hectic. These countdown days to Christmas are just jam-packed, aren't they? But one of the reasons I wanted to participate in HSMSHS is to get me thinking about my space everyday and (ideally) picking up the camera EVERY DAY.

With that said, today's photo was actually taken a couple of weeks ago. At this time of year, I am often found in the office right around sunset, and this is the view out my window by around 4:30 in the afternoon. Perfect for the prompt of "glow". You get an older photo instead of "fresh" because I won't be in my office at the right time today, more's the pity.

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No wonder dinner is so often late...who wouldn't want to linger for the chance to see this every day?


  1. Definitely worth waiting to see. Love the colors of sunset.

  2. Gorgeous glow - what a lovely sight that must be - as you say definitely worth lingering for

  3. Absolutely beautiful!

  4. What a great glow! Good work, I love it!
