Friday, December 12, 2008


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The HSMSHS prompt for today. While the last couple of days have left me thinking hard to come up with my examples, today's has the opposite problem: too many too choose from.

The star above is from my star shelf, which hangs directly below my inspiration board in my scrap space.

I just love stars. They inspire me. They make me happy.

In fact, I love stars so much, here are a couple of bonus Christmas stars that I look forward to seeing every year:

Have a happy Friday. Keep your eye on the stars!


  1. yikes, i have star envy from your fist pic!!! i love it :))))
    i just noticed you live in New Brunswick...l have geographical envy too!!!
    i love that part of the world :)

  2. Great stars! I have posted instructions on my blog re the 'star' album whch was made from scratch!
