Monday, February 23, 2009

Hold on

Well, we finally seem to be coming out the other side of our flu pandemic and we're enjoying our big blizzard. Hubby is out shovelling while the kids play right now. All would be perfect in the world...if only our water was working. Hopefully the repairman will be out tomorrow. If not I might start knocking on doors in hopes of a shower.

With that being the case, I've been using the camera to distract myself and have a few dozen pictures of the snow. Snow falling, snow blowing, snow piling up, snow being shovelled. I'm sure there are other ways to photograph it, but not from my window, and unlike my family I'm happy here where it's warm. I'm on hot chocolate detail and get to take a few minutes to check out HSMSHS and giggle like a school girl at today's choice of "rubber". It shouldn't be funny but it is. So many choices to photograph too! I'll stick with the usual for around here, the rubberized headbands that all the local girls wear (my girl included):

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  1. A lovely shot of a groovy hairband, Hope you managed to have a shower.

  2. My mind is constantly in the gutter! So, my first reaction was not one I should post!
    Great shot!

  3. Great band, lovely colour hair. Must be difficult managing without water & all that white stuff outside!!
